7 Universal Year
Numerologically, we are in a 7 Universal Year. We arrive at this number by adding together the individual numbers of the year to create the Universal Year Number. Eg, 2023 is 2+0+2+3 = 7.
7 is a significant number that echoes through all of creation. There are 7 embodied chakras, 7 colours in the rainbow, 7 days of the week, 7 Rays in Esoteric philosophy, 7-year cycles in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 7 oceans and 7 continents and 7 musical notes in the octave (the 8th note is the 1st note of the next octave). According to Genesis, all of creation was generated within 7 days, the 7th day being the day the Creator rested.
Symbolically, the 7 vibration is a Divinely spiritual resonance that allows for rest, to evaluate the path we have thus far travelled through life – it is all about reflection, recognition and the capacity to learn from our mistakes. Just as sea voyagers of old continually plotted and replotted their path across the ocean to reach their destination, the seven vibration invites the soul to assess and re-plot its path to stay on course for its life journey. And this year the opportunity comes up again.
To do this, we need to journey inwardly for a spell. Representing the sage, the mystic, those willing to learn from their mis-takes (simply taking a wrong turn) and the capacity to grow & evolve through trial & error, the 7 vibration leads to transformation, innovation and enlightenment. Through resting & slowing down we allow the soul time to contemplate, assess and correct, if necessary, its path forward. 7 is the quintessential self-healing vibration.
Numerologically, 7 can often be seen as rebellious, non-conformist and challenging to the status quo as it requires one to find, listen to and act upon one’s inner truth, which may at times be uncomfortable for others. It is the ‘path less travelled ‘and often leads to surprisingly pleasing and empowering outcomes for the soul voyager, as uncomfortable as it may be for those who journey alongside us.
The path less travelled
A 7 year can lead to surprisingly pleasing and empowering outcomes for the soul voyager, as uncomfortable as it may be for those who journey alongside us.
Although for many of us it will be like learning a new way of being the 7 soft, more internalised vibration has the potential to get us back in touch with our own individual soul path and revitalise, regenerate and renew our relationship with ourselves and the world around us. It can be the jumpstart to make a quantum leap into the next more, fulfilling and soul-satisfying phase in our life.
As it is a Universal Year number, everyone on the planet and indeed, planetary consciousness itself, will be taking a reflective posture in 2023 – in a sense, through reflection and observation, knowing what doesn’t work and then testing and trying out new models and opportunities to take the quantum leap into a more workable direction. 7 is the Rainbow Bridge that has the potential to lift humanity into a higher vibrational perspective that will give birth to a new vision for the planet.
To find your personal year and how you will personally navigate this 7 Universal Year, you add your birth day & month to the year 2023.
For example, if my birthday is 15th of March 1985 then I calculate thus: 1+5+0+3+1+9+8+5=32=3+ 2=5.
5 is the vibration of healthy change and transition, personal freedom and independence, individualism, adaptability, major life changes, and life lessons learned through experience. Number 5 also symbolizes motivation and determination, adventure, courage, imagination, and making positive choices.
So, what a workable energetic conjunction I would have! With all the energy, vim & motivation of a 5 Personal Year, I would sail through a 7 Universal Year gracefully and effectively.
Very briefly, see below the energy of each Personal Year, to give you an idea of the year you can expect.
1 Personal Year – a time of fierce independence competitiveness, determination, valuing freedom, enjoying originality, leading in their sphere of influence. And becoming self-reliant. A year to accomplish whatever you set your mind to and bringing new ideas to the table. Your ideas will be fostered and nurtured by the inner reflections of a Universal 7 Year.
2 Personal Year – a time of being highly emotional, naturally affectionate, sensitive, caring and loving. You will take charge of helping, caring, guiding others in whatever capacity you find yourself. You will be naturally empathetic because a Universal 7 year balances your output for others with a desire for inner space, so you will bring your self-awareness into the picture when helping others
3 Personal Year – a time of enthusiasm, energy and great social spirit. You will love to be successful in all you undertake, and you are prepared to work hard to get there. In a Universal 7 year, there may be challenges, because you may find it difficult to stop, rest and reflect.
4 Personal Year – a time of stability, consistency and discipline. You will be organised and structured however, you may find it challenging to adapt to the changes that introspection and inner reflection dictate. Regular meditation will help.
5 Personal Year – covered above
6 Personal Year – a year of creativity and artistry, underpinned by a feeling of love for your life, your partner and your family and friends. This number resonates very well with a Universal 7 Year.
7 Personal Year – combines powerfully with a 7 Universal Year, although because you see things from every angle you may be indecisive. However, you will want to plumb the depths of philosophy, mindfulness and spirituality. Find a group that resonates with your thinking. You are bound to shift your consciousness in leaps and bounds in 2023.
8 Personal Year – this will be a year of authority, self-confidence, inner-strength, inner wisdom, social status, ego and at the same time expand your love for humanity and a desire for peace. It will resonate perfectly with 7 Universal Year.
9 Personal Year – this year will be one of deep rewards for you, because you have learned how to manage your life successfully over the past decade and you're now engaged with living in a meaningful, conscious manner. Take the opportunity of the 7 Universal Year to reflect on setting rewarding goals to carry you forward into the next decade.
Enjoy your journey into 2023 and remember that HeartRadiance essences can help you navigate the crunchy bits and seamlessly embrace the good parts