Charting the Upper Chakras

Our planet is not just a solid body hurtling through empty space amid clusters of equally inanimate objects in a random collection of space trash. Quite the opposite, our Earth home is a living entity that lives and breathes, co-existing within a multi-dimensional network of other heavenly bodies, known as the Cosmos. The Cosmos itself is a live, vibrant expression of Life, a huge web of creative, pulsating energy that has agency, intelligence and intention and is driven by its own compelling urge to evolve.

In recent times, new high frequency energies have been pouring through the Cosmos as we transit into the Astrological Age of Aquarius. 

New chakras have opened up in human beings to accommodate these new higher frequencies bathing the planet. Spiritual sources refer to at least 12 chakras in the human subtle anatomy now, with the newer five chakras located above & beyond the body, granting the ability to open up to the new incoming consciousness.

The five new chakras, add-ons to the traditional seven bodily chakra system, are:

Eighth Chakra

Located beyond the Seventh above the head. Its colour is silver. It functions to aid and assist memory retrieval functions, in particular those related to past life experiences and clearing karma. It assists physical immunity by bringing awareness of the link between mind and body in creating disease. 

Ninth Chakra

Located beyond the Eighth Chakra. Its colour is gold and its function is to plot and oversee the individual’s soul path. It helps to bring forth skills and abilities from past lives. It helps you walk your talk, bringing the mental clarity to put your spiritual truths into action.

Tenth Chakra

Located beneath the feet, it connects us to the Earth. Its colour is copper and it governs our connection to the geo-fields that are part of the Earth’s energy circuitry. It taps us into the primary knowledge that the Earth is our mother, whom we must honour and acknowledge. 

Eleventh Chakra

Located all around the body and concentrates in the hands and feet. Its colour is pearlescent pink and its function is to facilitate the use of healing energy to assist in helping others to maintain health & wellbeing. It assists in using this powerful energy for good rather than personal gain.

Twelfth Chakra

Surrounds the Eleventh chakra and the entire body. Its colours are multi-layered pearlescent gold, silver and copper. It functions as an energetic skin with ‘pores’ that channel higher frequency energies from outside to within the auric field of the body. It grants recognition that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. 


Introducing…the Upper Chakra range!

The first of their kind, these products support the exploration and awareness of these exciting new chakras as we expand humanity’s connection to all that is.


Upper Chakra Essences

Dose strength, ready to use essences for spiritual connection and awakening.

(Also available in concentrate strength.)

The Upper Chakra Dose essences are formulated to reflect the energy of the new incoming chakras, helping to open them and to assist in accessing the qualities now vibrationally available to aware human beings. 

Using these blends brings clarity of purpose and the ability ‘to walk one’s talk’ in the face of the monumental changes taking place globally. 

These essences are also available in concentrate strength.


Upper Chakra Spray Mists

Room Sprays, with a difference! Lovingly curated scents with the added potency of flower and crystal essences.


To complement the range of essences, Spray Mists are lovingly curated to include selected HeartRadiance flower essences, vibrationally attuned pure essential oils and carefully selected crystal essences that resonate with the birthing of the new frequencies entering the planet.

Easy to use, the sprays are perfect in class situations such as yoga, meditation, pilates, etc and whenever oral dosage is not appropriate, or to enhance the effects of oral dosing and bring in the extra dimension of scent further connecting us to our upper chakras.