Flower essences for acupuncture & body therapies
Enhance therapeutic outcomes.
Develop your knowledge and confidence in using flower essences with acupuncture, body therapies such as kinesiology, massage and energy healing where the therapist has an understanding of meridians.
Annie Meredith draws on 4 decades of teaching and clinical practice working with Traditional Chinese Medicine and body mind healing to guide you to better utilising the power of flower essences with your current practice. Over 5 sessions Annie covers the following topics:
The therapeutic potential when combining acupuncture and flower essences and the common energetic links between the modalities.
The vibrational healing qualities of flower essences and how they work to potentise healing via entrainment, enhancing the healing effect on vital Qi in the meridians.
The different methods to combine flower essences with acupuncture including application to acupoints, acupressure, running a meridian, to chakra centres and oral dosing.
Runs through two case studies using the combination of Flower Essences and Acupuncture to achieve impressive outcomes for her patients.
Outlines how to establish what essence to use based on emotional holding patterns, meridian concordances, chakra concordances, matching to the therapeutic action of an acupoint and energetic healing strategies. Concordance charts can be downloaded for use.
Annie offers deep insight into how to use flower essences to enhance therapeutic outcomes for your patients, provides practical applications, reviews case studies, and provides downloadable resources for this powerful form of energetic medicine.
Expand your practice with flower essences
Annie has been teaching students, practitioners and lovers of complementary medicine for over 25 years!
This course will give you a wider perspective on flower essences, vibrational healing and acupuncture or body therapies. You will examine case studies to gain a clearer understanding of how flower essence’s can enhance your current modality.
Annie will assist you to support the health and healing outcomes by taking you through practical strategies so you can apply the theory immediately.
If you are eager to start making flower essences with the help of invaluable diagnostic tools be sure to get on board with this engaging and forward-thinking course.
This course will guide you to…
The common energetic links between flower essences and acupuncture.
How they work to potentise healing via entrainment, enhancing the healing effect on vital Qi in the meridians.
The power and substance of personal and emotional wellbeing by confidently prescribing HeartRadiance essences with acupuncture, energetic healing and body therapies.
Flower essences for yourself and others. You’ll learn how to simply and effectively select the perfect HeartRadiance flower essence for each unique emotional & physical need.
How flower essences can enhance your practice, supporting your patient’s healing journey by:
Promoting patient compliance with healing strategies you are using
Focusing on your patient’s unique emotional needs
Upholding your patient’s emotional well-being between visits
Your roadmap to using flower essences includes:
5 x webinars (25-40 minutes in length)
2 x case studies where Annie shows how to incorporate the use of flower essences with Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and emotional diagnosis.
Downloadable resources with flower essence concordances for:
Meridan and Shu & Mu acupoints
Chakra and acupoints
Chakras and Spray Mists
Ren acupoints and inner patterns of emotional holding
Du acupoints and emotional patterns of blocked source
Soul Path pattern acupoints
Strength of Will pattern acupoints
Opening Healing Portal acupoints
An invitation to join our online quarterly HeartRadiance Master Classes.
Support from real people
clarity on mind body patterns
online education & information portal
Receive 25% discount on the
Level 1 course.
You’ll receive a 25% discount* on the Level 1 Flower Essence course with the purchase of this course.
*A discount code will be sent to your email address after purchase.
“I would encourage anyone to use this powerful healing method.”