Create Your Journey
Writing about my experience of taking Soul Path, the Chakra 8 Essence and Spray Mist is a bit uncomfortable. It has been a month of re-learning lessons, seeing patterns and letting go. For instance, and I have taken this straight from the uses for Soul Path…
Assists physical immunity by bringing awareness of the link between mind and body in creating disease.
This resonated so strongly when I went back to look at the indications recently because… I got covid again! I feel grateful that as a naturopath I had all the tools on hand to manage but at the same time, playing through my mind was the thought…’how did I end up here again?’
It took a bit of objectivity but not long to work out that I think the reason I was vulnerable to the virus and immune compromised in the first place was a combination of stress, saying yes to too many things and burning the candle at both ends. It is part of a boom or bust cycle I seem to bump along in with my life generally. I know the pattern – it emerged clearly for me as part of month 6 and at that time I declared to myself that I would no longer be pulled into the cycle.
Soul Path
Chakra 8 - “I Journey”
Looking back, I think I was a little optimistic about changing a lifetime pattern without really understanding the why of it. So, fast forward and it has taken this long in the chakra journey to really see how the pattern plays out in my life and more importantly how I create the pattern.
So, now, without the big declarations and fanfare it time to do the work and shift it - earlier nights, saying no to projects or work that aren’t part of my purposeful future, back to Pilates, meditation and breathwork, all are part of resetting this pattern by helping me to be more present and aware of my choices.
I have also had to review some past mistakes and instead of blaming, I had to recognise my part in what played out…ouch, not fun! But, while it was a bit painful, it was also a great release. Instead of holding on I was able to let go and forgive myself for my part. Not only was a weight lifted it also freed up some emotional and mental energy. I am reminded again of the idea that letting go allows space for something new. What that might be as yet I am not sure, but I look forward to finding out.
So, I feel ready to move to Chakra 9, which is a convergence of the themes from month 7 and 8. I can now orient myself towards my soul purpose, with less distraction and fewer barriers to overcome. Woohoo!