Spirit - Shine Your Truth (3 Month)

Spirit - Shine Your Truth (3 Month)


Align with your deeper, more authentic self.

The Body, Mind, Spirit & Radiance journey invites you to integrate healing and growth on all levels to promote greater self-awareness and understanding. In the third 3-monthly block Spirit - Shine Your Truth, you are now deep into the transformative journey, and will be starting to contemplate your personal spirituality and soul journey in this life, as well as learning to tap into the reverence and awe that stems from your connection with life itself.

Each month has a unique transformative focus and is accompanied by a Chakra Essence and matching Spray Mist to use on a daily basis. You will receive a monthly email guiding you to a specific awareness practice, sound healing, a visual flower guide and an aspect of your physical & emotional self to consider while using the specific essence and spray mist.

Through this month-by-month journey you will learn about yourself and peel back layers to awaken your deeper potential, dissolve barriers and nourish inner radiance.

To use over the third three month block you will receive:

You will have access to Soul Journey through the Chakras, a live discussion group exploring your experiences, growth and transformation. A discussion group occurs once each quarter and you will receive an email invitation.

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Course Overview

Months 7-9

Shine your truth

Using HeartRadiance Products aligned with Chakras 7, 8 & 9 continue your transformative journey. This phase you will start to contemplate your personal spirituality and soul journey in this life, as well as learning to tap into the reverence and awe that stems from connection with life itself. 

Each month builds on the exploration and connections from the previous month:

  • Explore spirituality as a dimension of human existence: transcend the material and connect with the essence of your being.

  • Facilitate forgiveness of past patterns and choices allowing for a clearer path forward. Through clearing patterns, we have greater access to our spirituality and healing capacity.

  • Clarify and orient towards your soul purpose. Uncover the authentic core of who you are and understanding the unique gifts and passions that reside within you.

Continuing with the fourth 3-month block will take you through the remainder of the Body, Mind, Spirit & Radiance course. You can view the details of the final block below:

Embrace your radiance.

In the final months the focus turns to outside of you and beyond your physical and emotional body. We look to your relationship with Gaia and the energetics of the earth and explore your ability to tap into healing energies and higher frequencies, expanding your connection to β€˜all that is’.

To use over the last three month block you will receive:

Peel back the layers of understanding and get to know your inner radiance. Join this transformative 3-month journey to an embodied, enlivened and radiant life.



When are the Flower Journey packages sent out?

o   For a 3 month block or the full 12-month experience, the essences and spray mists for the entire time period chosen are mailed out once you place your order. You can start the using the products as soon as you receive them.

o   If you choose a 3-month experience you can choose to opt in for the next stage as you are ready.

How do I know when to start taking the next Chakra Flower Essence?

o   The program is designed so that each Chakra Flower Essence blend is taken daily for a full 4 weeks. You will receive an email each 4 weeks after your initial order which includes the information and practices for the next month.  

Can I take more than one essence blend at a time?

o   We advise you to take one Chakra Flower Essence at a time. Each blend intentionally combines the vibrational frequencies of multiple flower essences. Therefore, taking two blended essences at the same time will still work but may take longer to achieve a benefit as the vibrational imprint becomes less direct.

o   Importantly, the Body, Mind, Spirit & Radiance program is deliberately designed to work with key core issues progressively, gently peeling back layers so there is readiness and greater ease as you move through to the next stage. Our recommendation is to take the provided essences consecutively, each for at least 2 weeks at a minimum, but preferably for the full duration of 4 weeks. 

What date and time are the live sessions each quarter?

o   The live sessions are on Tuesday evenings. As the timing of your 12-month transformative journey is unique to you, the specific date each quarter will be emailed a month in advance.

Body, Mind, Spirit, Radiance Course (12 Month) 2.png

Body, Mind, Spirit, Radiance Course (12 Month)

Radiance - Embrace Your Radiance (3 Month) Product MONTH 10.jpg

Radiance - Embrace Your Radiance (3 Month)

Body - Explore What Lies Beneath (3 Month) Product MONTH 1.png

Body - Explore What Lies Beneath (3 Month)

Mind - Connect to Your Purpose (3 Month) Product MONTH 4.png

Mind - Connect to Your Purpose (3 Month)
