The strength & fragility in relationships

Somebody once said to me, a long time ago that human relationships are fragile. At the time, I agreed, because I was feeling vulnerable and unhappy in the relationships I was navigating then. I was much younger, driven by hormones and had a bullet-proof attitude around my own survival. It seemed easy to drop in or out of relationship with consummate ease during those times when my sense of self was so unformed and cluttered and all I yearned for was to attract love to myself.

Time taught me well though, and with several train-wrecks behind me (called life experience!) I now appreciate the whole teeming world of relationships that life offers up to us, to be savoured and experienced in one’s lifetime.

Relationships are fragile, but they are also our strength, our life’s blood, our salvation and blessing, without which we could not survive. Literally. And it is so easy to undervalue their importance.


Life is a shimmering web of interrelationships that feed & nurture, receive, wrestle with, seduce, use, abuse & cycle with each other in a continuous unified living whole. Relationships include our intimate other, children, family, work colleagues, community, nation, beloved domestic & native animals, trees that breathe with us in synchronicity, insects whose daily ‘busy-as-a-bee activities’ ensure our food supply through fertilisation of the plant world, rocks that uphold, like sentinels, the structure of the earth that we stand upon, water that cycles through earth & the heavens sustaining us, air that gives breath to the spaces between and like a vacuum is drawn to wherever it is needed and the sun that gives us life.

The trick is learning how to navigate the myriad daily interrelationships that we juggle with, balancing and offsetting them on a needs basis so that we stand in the loving centre of an energy support network, giving & receiving simultaneously.

Ironically, it all hinges on the relationship we have with ourselves, for it is that which determines how well we manage all other relationships. Many of us carry wounds from childhood and early life that intrude into the here-and-now, distorting our ability to stand in our own centre. For when we are centred within, we easily welcome supportive relationships and bar toxic relationships that do not uphold our interests.

Energetically, by a process of mutual entrainment, we attract others to us that bear a similar vibration. So truly, the best relationship is the one we have with ourselves, until such time that we have dealt with the wounds, perceived hurts & slights that create toxic energy ties with others, also carrying their life wounds on their sleeves.

If we yearn for a relationship with someone who is easy, calm, supportive and capable of love, then we need to uncover & foster that calm, easy, peaceful energy within ourselves, there, just waiting to be revealed. 

Do the work! In so doing you raise your vibrations, clearing the pathway towards attracting like-minded soul/s.  You will not only love what you find within yourself, but you will also discover that all your relationships are transformed & enhanced, including your primary relationship.

HeartRadiance Australian Wild Flower essences that support growth and self love

  • Seeing Eye ‘sheds the light’ on long held mindsets and value systems and liberates us so that we can update our programming to the ‘now’.

  • The 'walking' growth pattern of Apostle Plant suggests the notion of moving forward 'gracefully' in response to our innate evolutionary drive for higher and higher states of awareness.

  • Me, Myself & I Blended Essence helps to begin the process of self love and self healing by attuning us to the joy of being alive and being who we are.

Annie Meredith