Enhancing Therapeutic Outcomes for Acupuncture with Flower Essences (Part 1)
This article discusses the ways in which the therapeutic outcomes can be enhanced by using flower essences in conjunction with acupuncture. Let’s start by defining the aspect of the whole being that is being treated by both acupuncture (and other ‘hands-on’ energy healing modalities) and flower essences.
Acupuncture is an ancient healing art that focuses on the underlying vital energy system that underpins physical functioning. This subtle energy system, although invisible to the eye, animates the physical body, is present in all living beings and is absent in the dead. It is vibrational in nature and is expressed through the emotions, personality and consciousness of a being.
Ayurveda is another ancient healing art that recognises the intricate and irrefutable connection between body & mind. This concept arose between 500 -1500 years ago and also recognised the existence of a subtle energy anatomy, being the main focus of treatment.
Within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the living being is described as consisting of yin (being matter or the physical aspect) and yang (being mind or the non-physical aspect) and the treatment principle is to balance yin & yang (body & mind). Traditionally, if one or the other is out of balance then the whole system (body & mind) is on the path to dis-ease (or more simply put, lack of ease).
In mainstream medicine, the body and mind are perceived as separate entities and in fact are treated in isolation with physicians treating only the physical (matter) body. They are actually not permitted to treat mental (or mind) conditions and vice versa. This concept, although still only at most 400 years old is already outdated, unlike ancient healing systems many of which have survived intact for at least 3000 years. This is because New Physics, quantum physics and neuro-psycho-immunology have validated, in 50 or more years of research, that all living beings are made up of energy & matter, and that effective treatment entails treating both aspects simultaneously. In both ancient healing arts and New Physics understandings the key to supporting whole health and wellbeing of a being is the underlying energy system.
Interestingly, both above mentioned ancient healing systems identified and described the underlying energy system in remarkably similar terms, albeit with a slightly different emphasis on detail.
The meridians carry the life force throughout the entire body, via an ordered, coherent, circulatory system
In TCM, the subtle energy system is described as consisting of meridians, or energy pathways, along with central ‘seas of energy’ (chakra energy) upon which the meridians draw to distribute vital energy to every organ, tissue, sinew, fluid, bone and ‘extraordinary organ’ (brain, uterus, etc). The meridians carry the life force throughout the entire body, via an ordered, coherent, circulatory system over a 24-hour period to interconnect the various parts of body and mind to function as a whole. Each meridian corresponds with one of the primary emotional states as well as governing a ‘spiritual resource’ (an attitude of mind). The meridians carry the life force throughout the entire body, via an ordered, coherent, circulatory system over a 24-hour period to interconnect the various parts of body and mind to function as a whole.
Each meridian corresponds with one of the primary emotional states as well as governing a ‘spiritual resource’ (an attitude of mind). The meridian system consists of 12 main meridians, six yin & six yang, including internal pathways, 8 extraordinary meridians and numerous secondary & ancillary meridians
Ayurvedic Medicine
The subtle energy anatomy consists of chakra energy centres (‘seas of energy’) and ‘nadis’ (meridians).
In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, the subtle energy anatomy consists of chakra energy centres (‘seas of energy’) and ‘nadis’ (meridians) with the emphasis of treatment resting upon chakra rebalancing first & foremost as distinct from TCM where the primary treatment focus is on the meridians. Traditionally there are seven embodied chakras which act as ‘seas of energy’ (TCM term) that feed the nadi system. Each chakra governs a body system, an emotion, a mental perspective and a spiritual understanding (way of looking at the world). Each chakra has a corresponding endocrine gland that governs function in its respective region.
It can be seen then, that in both these ancient healing systems, the mind aspect, consisting of emotions and attitudes of the personality are seen to be embedded in the body at the level of the energy system that underpins the physical. In other words, min and body are seen to be irrefutably interconnected and function as one. It follows then that you can’t have one without the other!! That in treating the physical body a practitioner is also treating the mind aspect. Doing so with intention augments any treatment offered and leads to a more complete healing outcome. This where flower essences come in.
To clarify this position let us delve a little deeper into TCM subtle energy anatomy & treatment principles to see how we can effectively enhance this process of balancing not only between the meridians but the body, the emotions and the outlook (perceptions) for optimal whole health and wellbeing with flower essences.
acupuncture points (acupoints) provide access to the inner body to balance and harmonise the meridians.
The idea is that, for the ‘whole’ person/entity to function optimally each & every meridian needs to be balanced and functioning harmoniously. When even one meridian is diminished or excessive the whole network is affected and loses power. It is a concept that can be described as ‘connecting the dots’ so that the whole system functions in a balanced way. This is because dis-ease occurs when the energy flow in the body is either stuck, compressed, repressed, stagnant, deficient, excess or distorted.
Energy Must Flow
A healthy Mind-Body has free-flowing qi.
A healthy Mind-Body has free-flowing qi. Emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, stress or depression, worry and joy are natural human expressions – energy-in-motion. Each major organ and its meridian governs a specific physical function, emotional state, attitude or spiritual resource.
For example: the Lung organ and it’s meridian governs respiration and movement of Qi (vital force or energy) through the body (physical), grief and sadness (emotion) and is the residence of the corporeal soul (one’s vital connection to life – a spiritual resource). Imbalanced emotions (energy-in-motion) are primary contributors to dis-ease, especially if they are chronic and on-going, for example, a person who is chronically sad because of a tragic event that happened in the past, but has never been resolved or healed.
Emotional imbalance is considered to be the foremost cause of disease according to TCM understanding because it so strongly interferes with the free-flow of qi (vital energy).
Emotions arise from attitudes and perceptions, which are aspects of consciousness about how the world functions and one’s perceived place in the world. Attitudes need regular evaluation and updating to stay in context with constantly evolving global & cosmic consciousness. Internal conflict caused by one’s inner attitudes to life not matching with prevailing world trends and notions can result in emotional stress and inappropriate behavior. Imbalanced emotions create imbalanced qi flow which can, as described above contribute to disease states.
Read Part 2 to learn how Flower Essences with Acupuncture vibrationally attune.